Oh boy, to “protect” users, CA wants to create SB 1047. Now, AI is the new found perpetrator for false information. Why AI? Why just now?
I love the hype about how AI is going to create “fake news” in this election year, but I have to inform some of you: We have had fake news before. It’s just that the previous years’ fake news did not have a single face to blame. Was a law suit every brought up against Google search for this before? Why now with AI?
It seems to me some of our politicians – not the smartest group of humans, thus their career choice – are treating AI as if it were dropped on our shores by an alien. No, it was invented here in the US and will continue to be developed here.
Keep your hands and laws off of those developing AI or take the blame for allowing our foreign adversaries to own future markets. And by the way, you will not stop foreign offerings from coming to the US, unless you plan to hermetically seal off California from the rest of the world!